Company : BISP
Location : All region of Pakistan
Last Date : July 26, 2021
Job Type : Federal Government Jobs
Address : Room No. 221 ء Second Floor BISP F Block, ء Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Jobs Positions
- Compliance Monitor
Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Jobs 2021
Benazir ء Income ء Support Programme jobs 2021 ء intends to hire the ء Compliance Monirorsfor ire Ehsas Taleemi ء Wazaifon fixed salary ء of Rs. 4000/- per month (all-inclusive) ء for Sr collection of attendance ء compliance data on a quarterly ء basis by irking the respective schools, purely on a contract ء basis for a period of one year. Complete ء info of BISP Jobs 2021 also ء available on
Post Age Vacancies:
- Compliance ء Monitor Vacancies: 71 Max.
- Age Limit: 30 years
- Domicile Quota: Preference will be given to the ء Domicile holder of the District of the post.
- Posting: As ء advertised districts.
Required Qualification & Experience
- Minimum 4 years of education hi any discipline ء preferably in Computer Science from HEC recognized ء university with at least 01-year experience in data collection, conducting interviews and, data ء entry.
- Have experience in operating android applications.
- Should possess ء Valid Motorcycle Driving Licence on or before the closing ء date of the advertisement.
How to Apply for BISP jobs 2021?
- Candidates in ء Government Service will ء have to resign from their service ء before joining if they ء are selected.
- BISP is an equal ء opportunity employer and ء encourages all genders and ء other candidates belonging to ء marginalized segments of ء society to apply for Benazir ء Income Support Programme ء (BISP) Jobs.
- BISP (Benazir ء Income Support Programme), ء reserves & right to increase/decrease ء the number of posts.
- Apply online ء with in 15 days of publication ء of this a.dvedisement, on the prescribed “Application ء Form for the post of Compliance ء Monitor” available at BISP’s job ء portal website
Ad (Nawaewakt 11 July 2021)
About Benazir Income Support Programme
The Benazir ء Income Support Program (BISP) is a government genuine money ء move destitution decrease program in Pakistan. Dispatched ء in July 2008, it was the biggest single social security ء net program in the country with almost Rs. 90 billion ($900 million) conveyed to 5.4 million recipients in 2016.
The Department ء for International Development of the United Kingdom ء is the biggest unfamiliar benefactor of the program, giving $244 million (or 27%) of the ء all-out assets in 2016 with the Pakistani Government giving the rest.